Queering Health: Critical challenges to normative health and healthcare

Laetitia Zeeman (Editor), Kay Aranda (Editor), Alec Grant (Editor)

    Research output: Book/ReportBook - edited


    Queering Health uncovers normative assumptions, practices and discourses as central to the production of difference, which manifests as gender and sexual inequality and other forms of disadvantage and discrimination in health and healthcare. The strength of these perspectives is in critiquing the increasing power of biomedical sciences in order to contest the hegemony of unexamined healthcare assumptions that deny difference and thereby sustain inequality. These queer and critical theories trouble neoliberal healthcare economics and biomedical scientific norms that operate in every sphere of healthcare, providing a range of radical tools to destabilise, deconstruct or reimagine binaries, discourses, normative categories or moral ideals prevalent in the pursuit of health.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationRoss-on-Wye
    PublisherPCCs Books
    Number of pages240
    ISBN (Print)9781906254711
    Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2014


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