Developing an evaluation methodology for the Healthy Hastings and Rother Programme (part 2): Supporting People with Long-Term Conditions. Final report to NHS Hastings & Rother Clinical Commissioning Group

Lauren Shukru, Jorg Huber, Nigel Sherriff

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


The Centre for Health Research (CHR) at the University of Brighton wascommissioned by NHS Hastings & Rother Clinical Commissioning Group (H&R CCG)to review and develop an evaluation methodology specifically for the Small Grantsand Capacity Building Project (SG-CBP), and the Supporting People with Long-TermConditions Project (SP-LTC). This report presents the findings from a rapid review ofthe SP-LTC scheme and its four pilot projects including: 1) Live Well, Feel BetterHarold Road; 2) My Stroke Guide; 3) Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP);and 4) Infrastructure support to self-help groups (IS-SGH).
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages43
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2016

Bibliographical note

© University of Brighton, 2016.


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