Personal profile

Research interests

My Research interests focus on the use of genetic variation to provide insights into forensic science, genetic disease, molecular ecology and ageing. Past and current projects include the role of inbreeding and population substructure on forensic match calculations, the roles of selection and drift on rare genetic disorders, how ageing influences genetic drift and, most recently, SNP variation predicting response to chemotherapy amongst triple negative breast cancer patients.

Supervisory Interests

My supervisory interests include both in silico and in vitro explorations of how genetic information can inform our understanding of evolutionary biology and genetic health.

PhD Students

2017 - The molecular ecology of the British Hazel Dormouse.

2016 - Factors affecting vegetation change in chalk grassland fragments on the

South Downs.

2015 - The molecular ecology of the Sussex Water Vole populations.

2014 - The molecular ecology of the South African Jackal.

2013 - sodium symporter gene polymorphisms in the development of

differentiated thyroid cancer

2009 - Genetic variation underlying anxiety-like behaviour in laboratory mouse




2019 - Using human buccal cell telomere length as a predictor of age in a forensic


2015 - How does unidirectional gene flow affect genetic variation in the

Flagellate Feather Moss (Hylocomium armoricum) along rivers?

2008 - Molecular ecology of the flat periwinkle (Littorina obtusata).


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