Women and Domesticity – What’s your perspective? Ditchling Museum of Art & Craft

    Research output: Non-textual outputExhibition


    The entire collection of dusters was exhibited from 4th - 5th August 2018 to coincide with the museums Corita Kent exhibition, along with a drop-in workshop.

    This research output consists of a collection of hand embroidered dusters created through an on-going open call for women to commit through thread their own views and experiences on the theme of women and domesticity. The dusters are regularly exhibited within the community, also forming the basis of a practice-based research workshops and the focus of a papers, presentations, performances and exhibitions at academic conferences and symposiums. Participation is invited not just from artists but from anyone who has an opinion and is keen to take part. Contributions range from poetic quotes, to resentful statements, from images, to fond memories. Over 100 individual dusters exist in the growing collection.
    This practice-based research exists within the field of art and design, specifically exploring women's gendered relationship with cloth through embroidery and the experience of engaging phenomenologically with a yellow duster and all it signifies. Fundamentally, the work created should also be displayed and discussed. The research is collaborative in that work from an open call for contributions is at its heart, but the research aspect is conducted solely by myself. It also provides a focus for my own work, which is included within the collection.
    The methodologies are embroidery, collaboration and exhibition, the latter being essential in positioning it as a voice of many different experiences, rather than one artists work.

    Please also refer to other entries documenting exhibitions and/or workshops labelled Women and Domesticity that form part of this research output.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationDitchling Museum of Art and Craft
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2018


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