Noise-Art-Practice As Promethean Technology For The Creation Of Fugitive Realities: In Collaboration with Antivoid Alliance (Grant Cieciura, Tiago De Sousa and Caleb Madden)

Caleb Madden, Grant Cieciura, Tiago De Sousa

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


This paper details a challenge to recent theories of hyperstition by problematising its necessary colonisation of the future as being predicated upon a singular and despotic vision. Detailing the thought that led the conception and development of the HD video work to be shown at Sound/Image, we will reference an earlier work in which, rendered in a temporally reversed form, hyperstition becomes a tool for reflexivity. In this piece, hyperstition is refashioned as a technique that can illustrate our own complicity with—and allow us to speculate vectors of reason which move beyond—the politically constrained paradigm described by Mark Fisher in his 2009 book, Capitalist Realism. Finally, through the introduction of recent thought in the field of critical noise theory, we forward an updated concept: omnistition, which uses noise to modify the method of hyperstition toward the goal of facilitating an unbounded multiplicity of possibility.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 10 Nov 2018
EventSound/Image 2018: Exploring the relationships between sounds and images, and the images which sounds construct themselves - University of Greenwich, London, United Kingdom
Duration: 10 Nov 201811 Nov 2018


ConferenceSound/Image 2018
Abbreviated titleSound/Image
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


  • University of Greenwich
  • Sound/Image


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