If you don’t let us dream, we won’t let you sleep?

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Point nine of Paul Mason’s “Twenty Reasons” highlights the per- sonal experience of the crisis. For many, the future looks decid- edly bleaker than it has done for a long time. For us this subjectiveexperience of the failure of the capitalist promise of unending growth and luxury underpins much of the unrest occurring across the globe. Whilst this experience changes across space – indeed some parts of the world are experiencing strong, continued growth – we see important political commonalities emerging. What connects our struggles is the rage we feel as our social wealth and dignity is aacked. These connections are not,however, unproblematic. Whilst we are connected through our hope fora beer future, our task will be to ensure our hope and energy is not side-tracked into struggling for more work and less prosperity.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationOccupy Everything: Reflections on why it's kicking off everywhere
EditorsA. Lunghi, S. Wheeler
Place of PublicationNew York, US
PublisherMinor Compositions
Number of pages7
ISBN (Print)9781570272516
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2012


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