Evaluation of the Fractional Pressure Rise with Mass Fraction Burned in a Closed Vessel Combustion

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceeding with ISSN or ISBNConference contribution with ISSN or ISBNpeer-review


    Recent advances in the development of the computational models for the measurements of the premixed combustion from the closed spherical vessels have shown non-linearity in fractional pressure (p) rise with mass fraction burned (x). In the present work, A brief overview of the computational models for the closed vessel combustion measurements is presented. Using the multizones model, non-linearity in the p~ x relationship was evaluated, quantified and established in the closed vessel combustion. A detailed analysis for the errors introduced in the calculations of the laminar burning velocities due to the linear (p)~(x) relationship is presented. The effects of the initial pressure and equivalence ratio on the non-linearity of p~ x are presented. The sensitivity of the laminar burning velocity calculations o the accuracy of the pressure~ time measurements is presented.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationCombustion Institute
    Publication statusPublished - 14 Apr 2009
    EventCombustion” 4th European Combustion Symposium - Europe, Viena, Austria
    Duration: 14 Apr 200917 Apr 2009


    ConferenceCombustion” 4th European Combustion Symposium
    Abbreviated titleECM 2009


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