Khizer Saeed

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Research interests

Dr Khizer Saeed completed a DPhil in Engineering Sciences at the University of Oxford, and his research on Fundamental Combustion measurements as Felix Scholar of Sommerville College at Oxford. He continued his research at Oxford on University’s Radhakrishna Bequest on combustion fundamentals. He was awarded Royal society fellowship to develop in-cylinder diagnostics laser technique.  He was awarded academic visit by the international centre of theoretical physics (Italy) and MIT(USA) to research on combustion and explosion control.

Khizer’s research interest mostly concerns with developing novel systems in:

  1. Robotics and Control ( Human-Robot interaction technique, autonomous robots, robots for healthcare and defence applications, industrial automation).
  2. Diagnostic techniques (Spectroscopic, Laser, electron microscopy and sensors)
  3. Clean Energy (hydrogen, biofuels, combustion and explosions control)
  4. Nanoparticle synthesis (Dry pyrolysis, functional particles, morphologies)

Recently, Khizer has led the development of a new £1 million multidisciplinary Robotics, Control and Artificial intelligence (MOCAI) research laboratory at the University of Brighton. The state of art facilities in laboratory provides multidisciplinary research platform for developing long term, interaction and collaborative research. Khizer’s recent work include a £85000 consortium project with four other universities on the development of “A Trustworthy Robotic Autonomous system to support Casualty Triage: ATRACT” funded by EPSRC, a project on human-robot interactions, and BRITE project on developing sustainable energy systems for Africa. Khizer is known internationally for his research on explosion and its controls. He has developed novel experimental systems to diagnose, measure and control explosion under unvented and vented conditions. He has developed advance measurements and predictive systems to simulate and predicts the explosion characteristics of wide range of substances.  Khizer has developed advance bioenergy research laboratory at Brighton with facilities including full biofuels end quality measurements and assessment. Recent work includes the development of a near-infrared spectroscopy-based technique for the rapid assessment of the biodiesel degradation and development of future sustainable fuels.  He has supervised the projects on biofuels from sustainable sources such as algal oil and degradation of biodiesel fuels. Khizer has developed in-house capabilities to produce novel biofuels such as from algal oils, waste oils and synthetic fuels. He has worked closely with the UK biodiesel industry to develop sustainable fuels. Khizer has developed state of art dry pyrolysis-based nanoparticle synthesis system with in-house capabilities to continuously synthesize metal oxide (Titania, Iron) functional nanoparticles. He has developed a new spectroscopic technique for the rapid measurements of nanoparticle sizes and concentration. Khizer has supervised projects on the combustion-based synthesis of titanium oxides and iron oxides nanoparticles with advance measurements techniques such as electron microscopy (STEM), XRD, EDS etc systems.

 My Recent PhDs & Their Present Affiliations: 

Dr Xingming Lu – Chinese Academy of Science

Dr Ayad Al Thuwaite – University of Babylon 

Dr Gelu Verghese – Airbus UK

Dr James Pullen – EDT-Consulting UK

Mr Sajjad Husain - UoB


Scholarly biography

Scholarly Biography

Khizer Saeed is Academic Subject Leader (ASL) in Engineering and Principal Lecturer in Mechanical engineering since 2012. He has joined University in 2006 as a senior lecturer. He has undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering and master in thermal sciences.  

As the Academic Subject Leader in engineering, he is responsible for its strategic, academic and operational leadership. Khizer leads the development of the strategic vision for the future direction, goals and priorities of the engineering subject area and ensuring that they are aligned to the school’s plan and University Strategy 2019-2025 based on: creativity, partnership, inclusivity and sustainability. He is driving the development of new strategic area of research, teaching and research within engineering on “Robotics and Mechatronics”, “Electronic and Communication (5G, Cisco Lab),” Electrical Vehicles”, “Industrial Automation and Material”, “Sustainable Energy”, “Aerospace”, “Power engineering systems” and other.   Khizer is responsible for the engineering staff workload and space management and serves on the school management board. He leads the development of new courses and programs in engineering.

Khizer teaching interest is in: Control Systems and robotics, Dynamics and dynamic systems, Energy and energy systems.

Khizer is an international scholar on engineering research. His research has been supported by EPSRC, Technology Strategy board, Royal Society, and industry. His has undertaken research projects work on Human–Robots interactions for defence (£125K), ATRACT ( £850K- EPSRC), Robotic and controls (£250K),  Combustion synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles (£125K), combustion synthesis of titania oxide (£125K), undertaking biofuels quality and performance (EPSRC £125K), BRITE project (£10K), Zero Carbon electricity system using ORC Systems (TSB- £125K), Biofuels laboratory ( Commercial activation fund - £23K), Biofuels testing and development facility ( Brighton Council - £10K), n cylinder Air-Fuel Distribution Measurement Using PLIF (Royal Society of Britain –DST India £50K).  Khizer has close links with the local energy and automation industry. Since 2006, Khizer has been successfully submitting as an active researcher in UK’s research excellence framework (REF) exercise. He has been active reviewers to the number of internationally journals and as PhD supervisor to the different UK universities.  

Supervisory Interests

I will be delighted to supervise PhD students in:

  • Human-Robot interactions with focus on healthcare, defence and industrial automations
  • Novel control, diagnostics and measurement sensors and techniques.
  • Control and mitigation of the vented and unvented explosions
  • Clean energy systems and fuels such as hydrogen and algal fuels.
  • Nanoparticle synthesis of metal oxides using dry pyrolysis systems


Education/Academic qualification

Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) , University of Oxford


Award Date: 30 Jun 2004


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