Development of a faecal pellet sensor for simultaneous monitoring of luminal signalling and muscle dynamics during defecation

Project Details


Defaecation is a complex process that utilises chemical signals to drive a coordinated series of muscle contractions and relaxations to expel faecal matter. To date this process is not fully understood and therefore understanding how these processes change over time and how they lead to dysfunction are limited. At present no technologies exist that can fully understand how faecal matter within the rectum directs relaxation of the internal anal sphincter leading to coordinated defaecation.

Our proposal aims to develop a sensor shaped like a faecal pellet that can simultaneously monitor mucosal signalling during the process of defaecation. Making a device that mimics faecal matter can stretch the inner lining of the rectum in order to direct the opening of the anal sphincter to expel waste.

In order to gain insight our sensor device will incorporate multiple sensors that can provide spatial information on muscle tones and signalling. The preliminary data generated from this work will direct development of a prototype device capable of conducting measurements in humans in order to understand the efficacy of muscular activity and signalling in patients with incontinence and understand how the treatment management elevates changes observed in incontinence. This device will provide the ability to sub-classify particular types of incontinence
Effective start/end date1/03/1731/08/17




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