Vulnerable children at school: Lessons from England

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceeding with ISSN or ISBNChapterpeer-review


This chapter examines how changes to policy and practice in England since 2010 have affected how schools work with other agencies to support “vulnerable” children, young people and families. It begins by reviewing how vulnerability has become a ubiquitous term in policy, practice and theory in England and elsewhere in recent years and the difficulties involved in defining vulnerability. Research findings from two reforms, which were both designed to improve provision for vulnerable families, are then discussed in detail. Four factors affecting their success are highlighted: being family-centred and strengths-based; adopting a non-judgemental approach; communication, consistency and coordination; and mediation between family and school. The chapter concludes by advocating a shift towards addressing the multiple, ‘empirical realities’ of vulnerable children and their families, rather than viewing them as failing, and incorporating such a perspective into the education and professionalization of teachers and other professionals.

Changes to policy and practice in England since 2010 have affected how support for those who are commonly referred to as “vulnerable” children, young people and families. After a review of how vulnerability has become a ubiquitous term in policy, practice and theory in England and elsewhere in recent years, this chapter uses research findings from two reforms (involving but not centred on schools), which were intended to improve provision for vulnerable families, to draw out some of the lessons for practice and policy.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProfessionalisierung für Unterricht und Beziehungsarbeit mit psychosozial beeinträchtigten Kindern und Jugendlichen
EditorsDavid Zimmermann, Ulrike Fickler-Stang, Lars Dietrich, Katharina Weiland
Place of PublicationBerlin
Number of pages11
ISBN (Electronic)9783781557291
Publication statusPublished - 7 Feb 2019


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