Vanessa Marr

    Research output: Non-textual outputExhibition


    I have a strong connection to my domestic space, which manifests in my use of the duster as a catalyst for creative and personal expression. Home is the focus of my study and the hub of my creativity. Making happens in and around family life as I don’t have a studio - while the dinner cooks, watching TV and usually spreads all over the room on a weekend afternoon! The hub of this creativity is our sunny conservatory, attached to our kitchen, in which the sewing machine has taken up permanent residence, along with piles of fabric and half-finished projects, which leak into the rest of the house.

    Lockdown in our house has been all about making. My youngest daughter (aged 12) is currently up-cycling her wardrobe and two of my older daughters, who returned home for the duration, rediscovered their love for making in renewed time spent at home. One has been busy making cushions for a new flat (designed by me, embroidered by her) and making countless bags. Both have painted their leather jackets with collaborative designs.

    I always have several projects on the go, which currently includes a lot of crochet and embroidery. My teaching and professional background is in graphic design but my artistic practice and focus of my academic study and research is textiles based. My making at home is all about some form of stitching, which I am passionate about. I love to make in every opportunity that presents itself.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2020
    EventMothers Who Make - Portraits in Lockdown - Online
    Duration: 21 Aug 2020 → …


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