Teaching and Learning by Demonstration

Alma Boyes, Cynthia Cousens, Helen Stuart

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


The workshop questioned, through practical activity, presentation and discussion, how we teach and students learn by demonstration. It drew on and reflect findings from our research, including the observation and analysis of a series of demonstrations primarily within Ceramics and Metals but also from comparative subjects such as Sports Science, Dance, Cookery and Physiotherapy. Themes explored included: effectiveness of student involvement in demonstrations, roles of expert and novice demonstrators, learning through mistakes, the role of sensory understanding, the effect of live performance, and communication - specialist language, use of gesture and verbal language. The workshop was developed as part of a larger research project Teaching and Learning Through Practice started in 2006 and funded by the Centre for Teaching and Learning through Practice, CETLD, involving academic and technical staff, practitioners, and students from the 3D / Materials Practice Programme, University of Brighton, led by Alma Boyes, Cynthia Cousens and Helen Stuart.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 12 Jul 2007
EventEuropean League of Institutes of the Arts International Conference 2007 - Brighton, UK
Duration: 12 Jul 2007 → …


ConferenceEuropean League of Institutes of the Arts International Conference 2007
Period12/07/07 → …


  • teaching and Learning, pedagogy, demonstration, non-verbal communication, live performance, practice-based disciplines, craft, skill, making


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