Ocean Design Research Association

Jeffrey Turko, Birger R. Sevaldson, Defne Sunguroğlu Hensel

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceeding with ISSN or ISBNChapterpeer-review


This book chapter looks into the design work produced in the OCEAN Design Research Association in relation to the subject of performance. Within OCEAN the notion of performance is used as an embodying definition for areas of research that focuses on the material, spatial organization and advanced design processes. Processes that use complex relations between structure, environment and the multi-layered effects when they interact with spatial experience and habitation patterns. The chapter specifically looks at an area of ongoing area of research by design into Membrane Morphologies. The chapter looks a three projects, the Barley installation in Oslo, the Membrane and Cable net system research, and the Membrella design competition proposal. Membrane Morphologies were written about due to the thinness and lightness of the material to which the possibilities and capacities for structural, environmental, habitational and architectural effects were directly related. This explores the structural use of the materials to produce a variety of geometric outcomes through there double curvature based on principles of form found in active tension systems. Re-examining the proposals with the notion of Performance raises discussions on the further development of such constructs. Such as the membrane systems are developed in order to offer differentiated and carefully modulated spatial and environmental conditions.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPerformalism: form and performance in digital architecture
EditorsYasha J. Grobman, Eran Neuman
Place of PublicationLondon, UK
Number of pages8
ISBN (Print)9780415583619
Publication statusPublished - 18 Aug 2011


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