New spectroscopic information on Tl 211,213: A changing structure beyond the N=126 shell closure

A. Gottardo, J. J. Valiente-Dobón, G. Benzoni, A. I. Morales, A. Gadea, S. Lunardi, P. Boutachkov, A. M. Bruce, M. Górska, J. Grebosz, S. Pietri, Zs Podolyák, M. Pfützner, P. H. Regan, D. Rudolph, H. Weick, J. Alcántara Núñez, A. Algora, N. Al-Dahan, G. De AngelisY. Ayyad, N. Alkhomashi, P. R.P. Allegro, D. Bazzacco, J. Benlliure, M. Bowry, A. Bracco, M. Bunce, F. Camera, E. Casarejos, M. L. Cortes, F. C.L. Crespi, A. Corsi, A. M. Denis Bacelar, A. Y. Deo, C. Domingo-Pardo, M. Doncel, Zs Dombradi, T. Engert, K. Eppinger, G. F. Farrelly, F. Farinon, H. Geissel, J. Gerl, N. Goel, E. Gregor, T. Habermann, R. Hoischen, R. Janik, S. Klupp, I. Kojouharov, N. Kurz, S. M. Lenzi, S. Leoni, S. Mandal, R. Menegazzo, D. Mengoni, B. Million, D. R. Napoli, F. Naqvi, C. Nociforo, A. Prochazka, W. Prokopowicz, F. Recchia, R. V. Ribas, M. W. Reed, E. Sahin, H. Schaffner, A. Sharma, B. Sitar, D. Siwal, K. Steiger, P. Strmen, T. P.D. Swan, I. Szarka, C. A. Ur, P. M. Walker, O. Wieland, H. J. Wollersheim, F. Nowacki, E. Maglione

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The neutron-rich isotopes Tl211,213, beyond the N=126 shell closure, have been studied for the first time in isomer γ-ray decay, exploiting the fragmentation of a primary uranium beam at the Fragment Separator-Rare Isotopes Investigation at GSI setup. The observed isomeric states in Tl211,213 show a deviation from the seniority-like scheme of Tl209. The possible interpretation of the data is discussed on the basis of energy-level systematics and shell-model calculations.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number054326
    JournalPhysical Review C
    Issue number5
    Publication statusPublished - 23 May 2019

    Bibliographical note

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