Networking industrial clusters: a conceptual approach the Gujarat experience

Dhawal Mehta, Paurav Shukla, Ved Prakash Kharbanda

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceeding with ISSN or ISBNChapterpeer-review


This chapter deals with the problems of the small entrepreneur: World over, small and medium scale enterprises are regarded as fountainheads of entrepreneurship, innovation, nimble-footed change, major employers in terms of absolute numbers and major contributors to society's economy. It is widely recognized today that clustering helps small business enterprises to overcome growth constraints and compete in regional, national and international markets. The cluster concept has proved to be helpful in building local capabilities, building competencies, up-gradating of skills and technological development. The objective of this chapter is to highlight the major characteristics of industrial clusters in India and how these clusters are tackling the issues of sharing and transferring knowledge, and entrepreneurial cooperation. This chapter examines three clusters from the State of Gujarat, India.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEnterprises and Cooperation Networks for Regional Development
EditorsDietrich Brandt
Place of PublicationNew Delhi, India
PublisherIndia Research Press
Number of pages25
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2002


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