Lean teaching

Kevin Turner

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceeding with ISSN or ISBNConference contribution with ISSN or ISBNpeer-review


The aim of the session will be to introduce the concepts of 'lean thinking' and to develop an understanding of how these can be applied within a university context. Lean Thinking is a set of concepts and techniques developed mainly from the Toyota Production System, with Just-In-Time being perhaps the most familiar example. This seminar will discuss potential applications of lean thinking to teaching - in particular can we use lean thinking to reduce time spent on 'teaching related activity' outside the classroom, and also provide a better educational experience for our students? Here are two examples of topics that will be discussed. One of the lean principles is 'reduce product complexity' - so should we cut the range of courses and modules we offer? Another principle is 'eliminate waste', so taking this very literally, why do we have four-part feedback forms where three parts go straight to the wastepaper bin? In fact why use paper at all?
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication10th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2005
Event10th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference - Brighton, UK
Duration: 1 Jul 2005 → …


Conference10th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference
Period1/07/05 → …


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