
Megha Rajguru, Rupali Gupte

Research output: Other contribution


Inhabitations examines historic and contemporary examples of ‘radical housing’ in Mumbai and Brighton, their ideas, practices and the production of flexible inhabitations. These cases demonstrate the production of housing beyond state produced policy and market facilitation to see how people generate inhabitations through their own desires, aspirations, practices and ingenuities. An active ongoing Archive of cases leads to a conceptual terrain in the Keywords section through which frameworks of housing and inhabitations can be rethought. In doing so, the research identifies approaches and mechanisms to influence architecture and design practice, pedagogy and housing policy in Mumbai and Brighton.
Original languageEnglish
TypeResearch website
Media of outputwebsite
Publication statusPublished - 31 Jul 2021


  • Housing
  • Housing associations
  • Brighton
  • Mumbai
  • Housing cooperatives
  • Home
  • City
  • urbanism
  • Activism


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