Employment and labour market reforms: Towards a residual safety net?

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceeding with ISSN or ISBNChapterpeer-review


This chapter considers welfare and labour market policies in the UK, with a particular focus on developments since 2010, when the Conservative-Liberal Democrat Coalition government was formed. The purpose of the chapter is to help students understand the main characteristics of welfare and employment policies in the UK. It raises the following key questions. Firstly, have employment and welfare policies become more generous over time, or, on the contrary, more targeted to specific categories, with an accompanying political discourse that ends up stigmatising poverty and unemployment as symptoms of idleness? Secondly, have governments increasingly used benefit sanctions as a way of ‘regulating the poor’ (Piven and Cloward, 1993)?
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSocial Policy
EditorsHugh Bochel, Guy Daly
Place of PublicationLondon
Number of pages21
ISBN (Print)9780367200084
Publication statusPublished - 13 Jul 2020

Bibliographical note

This is an Accepted Manuscript of a book chapter published by Routledge/CRC Press in Social Policy on 13/7/2020, available online: https://www.routledge.com/Social-Policy-4th-Edition/Bochel-Daly/p/book/9780367200084.


  • Social Policy
  • Welfare Reform
  • Labour markets


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