Employers' perceptions and practice in the employability of disabled people: a survey of companies in south east UK

Geoff Ruggeri-Stevens

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Abstract: This article reports a foundation survey of the extent of employment of disabled people in three sectors of industry--transportation, IT and financial services--in two UK counties, identifies which specific disabilities and limitations on personal skills are seen by employers as the greatest impediments to employment, proposes a new model for analysis by using a modification of established recording models and provides a springboard for further work. The survey reported here was based on structured interviews with personnel officers conducted by telephone. No separate question was devoted to invitation of free comment, but the interview delivery of the questionnaire normally led to a general discussion of the issues raised, and some typical quotes and comments from respondents are included in the Results.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)779-796
Number of pages18
JournalDisability & society
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2002


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