CM4K: engaging in a community-based participatory research pilot profiling project

Peter Day, Sam Walter, Jenny Linton

    Research output: Non-textual outputDigital or Visual Products


    This video by Sam Walter & Jenny Linton introduces a community media collaboration between Community Media 4 Kenya (CM4K) and the community of Cham gi Wadu.This community-university collaboration aims to develop a community media centre in Cham gi Wadu comprising a community radio station and a mobile community media set-up which can take community media and training out into the remote rural settlements that make up the Cham gi Wadu community.The community profiling pilot sought to develop an introductory understanding of the community's needs and assets using an involement ready model of working with those ready to work with us.There is a long way to go before the partnership between Cham gi Wadu and the universities of Rongo & Brighton will build the first stage of this initiative - the community radio station - but the communioty desire and enthusiasm is there as this video shows.Dr Peter DayCommunity Media 4 Kenya
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationBrighton
    PublisherCommunity Media 4 Kenya
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


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