Chromatic Fields - artist book and exhibitions

Duncan Bullen

Research output: Non-textual outputExhibition


Chromatic Fields is a collaborative project between Duncan Bullen and Jamie Crofts. The project centres around a limited edition book work, which explores their shared interests in composition, notation, drawing, music and silence. Repetition and near–repetition, rotation and permutation are also of importance, as is accuracy and inaccuracy of the human hand, resulting in fluctuations in touch and pulse. The book contains a drawing and a score: The drawing consists of points of colour arranged in patterned formations, which is rotated throughout the book by means of screen print, each time with the points of colour in a different position. The score is shown with all performance indications, staves and stems removed leaving only the notes. The book incorporates performance scores and a DVD of 10 Chromatic Fields for piano; compositions consisting of 176 single notes. These are the 88 notes of a piano played once through and then repeated; the difference between each piece being the order of the notes. What remains is contour and reflection. An exhibition of the book and related drawings took place at Art at Wharepuke Gallery, New Zealand in September 2012 The book was also exhibited at part of the Soundwaves Festival, University of Brighton and at the Friends Meeting House, which included a promenade performance of Chromatic Fields 51 to 59. A further exhibition is due to take place at Ian Rastrick Fine Art, St Albans, UK in June/July 2012. Alongside this there will be a performance of piano music selected by Duncan Bullen and Jamie Crofts and performed by Jamie Crofts at the Maltings, St. Albans 9th June 2012.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 15 Sept 2011
EventChromatic Fields - Art at Wharepuke, New Zealand
Duration: 15 Sept 2011 → …


  • Artist Books
  • Printmaking
  • Drawing
  • Experimental Music


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