Ageism in AI:new forms of age discrimination and exclusion in the era of algorithms and artificial intelligence

Project Details


AGEAI is an international collaborative study that aims to critically assess how ageism operates in AI systems, products and services, and opportunities to develop age-inclusive AI infrastructures and services. The project aims to address interrelated issues surrounding the ageing of populations, datafication and AI in four European countries (Germany, Spain, Poland, UK) by examining five major areas of AI deployment: healthcare, employment & hiring systems, mobility and transport, face recognition and  credit scoring.

The project has four main objectives: (1) propose a theoretical framework for the understanding of ageism and exclusion in AI systems; (2) create an innovative multi-methods design to investigate ageism in AI creating a pathway for future social research and policy development; (3) generate empirical evidence of ageism directed at older adults in major areas of AI-deployment (healthcare, smart mobility; human resources and hiring; face recognition; credit scoring), and (4) create tools for stakeholders, AI practitioners, and policymakers to ensure the development of age inclusive AI in Europe.

Sourbati leads the analysis of policy and specialist media discourses on AI with a focus on age discrimination and a case study on smart mobility and transport services. The case study will focus on age-inclusive sustainable, environment-friendly AI-led smart mobility (public transport systems, shared mobility micro-mobility, data and services) for all ages. Fieldwork cities: Brighton and London.

Effective start/end date15/05/2315/02/27


  • Artificial intelligence; ageism; data; sustainable mobility; smart transport


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