5G:XR Exploring the potential for 5G for the games and performing arts sector in UK and Turkey

    Project Details


    5G:XR is an international collaborative research project between the UK and Istanbul which brings together academia and industry to explore the new creative and cultural possibilities afforded by the enhanced speed, latency and capacity of 5G.

    It aims to increase understanding of the potential impact of 5G on the way arts and culture is made and shared, locally and internationally, face-to-face and virtually, and its potential for creating new types of creative processes, art-works and cultural experiences.

    5G is the fifth generation of wireless technology that enables significantly enhanced speed, latency and mass connectivity for machine-to-machine interaction. This is predicted to increase the potential of immersive digital and 'blended' experiences.

    Working with academic and creative industry partners in Istanbul and the UK, the project will also ask what artists and practitioners from the performing arts and games sector bring to the critical understanding and practical application of 5G. The project builds on the concept of the ‘Brighton fuse’ effect with the objective to build impactful inter-national and inter-disciplinary collaborations.

    Partners are: Brunel University, the Brighton 5G test-bed (Wired Sussex/ BDBF), Istanbul Bilgi University, Tiyatro Kooperatifi (Theatre Cooperative) and Bahçeşehir University and their games hub BUG.
    Short titleAHRC / Newton fund
    Effective start/end date14/05/2017/12/20




    • 5G
    • Culture
    • Media


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