Personal profile

Research interests

My research interests lie in the field of applied microeconometrics, labour economics, education economics and financial econometrics. My recent publications have focussed on the gender/racial wage gaps (Labour Economics vol 78), CEO performance and wage determination (Fiscal Studies vol 36), migration (International Migration vol 49) and student satisfaction and graduate outcomes in higher education (Studies in Higher Education vols 42/39). I have also recently completed commissioned research for the Office for Students on ‘grade inflation’ in UK higher education. In addition to these areas of research my research interests also fall in the area of sports economics particularly on issues surrounding race (Applied Economics, vol 46) and (football) managerial success (Journal of Operational Research Society, vol 59). I currently teach finance/financial modelling, econometrics, labour economics and international trade and development.

Supervisory Interests

My main supervisory interests lie in the following areas:

1) labour market issues relating to: gender/racial wage gaps, labour market discrimination and inequality, managerial and firm performance, migration, sports economics, economic development and international trade.

2) The Economics of Higher Education including: grade inflation, student debt, student performance, HE quality and subject choice.

3) Financial modelling and risk analysis.


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