Personal profile

Scholarly biography

Christian Hogsbjerg is a Senior Lecturer in Critical History and Politics in the School of Humanities and Social Science at the University of Brighton.  Before starting this post, Christian taught a wide variety of humanities courses at a number of institutions including UCL’s Institute for the Americas, Leeds Beckett University and in the Department of History at the University of York (where he completed his doctorate in History in 2010 and where from 2013-14 he was a Teaching Fellow in Modern History).  Christian works on Black British History, Caribbean history, British imperial history and how race and empire impacted more broadly on British identity, politics, society and culture.  He is a member of the committee of the Society for Caribbean Studies and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society in December 2022. 

Supervisory Interests

Christian would be interested in supporting doctoral research in the following areas: Anti-colonialism; Atlantic Studies and maritime history; Black British History; Black Intellectual History; British imperial history; Caribbean history and politics (including Haitian Revolutionary Studies); Labour History; Pan-Africanism; Race, Resistance and Reparative Histories; Slavery, Resistance and Abolition.      

Research interests

Christian's specialist focus of research to date has concerned the life and work of the black radical Trinidadian intellectual and activist C.L.R. James (1901-1989) who made a profound contribution as a historian to revolutionising scholarly understanding on Atlantic slavery and abolition, and as an activist to the making and shaping of modern multi-cultural, ‘post-colonial’ Britain.   He has broader research interests in Caribbean history including the Haitian Revolution, the black experience of the British Empire, the black presence of imperial Britain, and the impact of the Russian Revolution on the African diaspora.

Education/Academic qualification

PhD, C.L.R. James in Imperial Britain, University of York

Award Date: 18 Mar 2010

Master, History and Politics , University of York

Award Date: 1 Aug 2002

Bachelor, History , University of Leeds

Award Date: 1 Jul 2001


  • D204 Modern History
  • D880 Developing Countries
  • HT Communities. Classes. Races
  • HN Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform
  • HX Socialism. Communism. Anarchism
  • JV Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration
  • CT Biography
  • DT Africa


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