The Role of the Spectator

Activity: EventsConference


“Critic and spectator sits in every actor … without this critical, judging faculty the doer and maker would be so isolated from the spectator that he would not even be perceived”. (Hannah Arendt)
A spectator encounters, audits, watches, interprets, or gazes at a work of art, a theatrical play, a film, a sports game or political actions. Traditionally the spectator is perceived as being merely passive, however as Hannah Arendt suggests, spectatorship is intertwined with the spectated action. This puts the binary relation between spectator and actor into question.
Some of the questions we will address at the workshop are :
How does spectatorship influence the self-conception of a subject?
What role does the spectator play in the understanding of a movie, a work of art or literature?
What significance does spectatorship have for political action?
In what sense are actions performed “for” the audience in a theater or sport’s stadium?
Can the concept of spectatorship be productively used in other disciplines?
What are the limits of spectatorship as an organizing and motivating concept?
The aim of the workshop is to create a dialogue and provide participants with feedback. Each panel includes a 30 minutes discussion on the given presentation
Introduction: Viktoria Huegel, HSSA
Session One "The Spectator and the Spectacle" (Chair: Viktoria Huegel):
Robert Reimer: “The relationship between Actor and Spectator within Sport Games.”
Jochen Schuff: “Spectatorship and Theatricality: Some Philosophical Reflections on Contemporary Art"
Simona Schneider: “The Question of the Cinema Spectator and the Lyric Mode”
Lunch Break
Session Two "Narration and Memory" (Chair: Robert Reimer):
Sangjin Park: “On Reversion of Object: the Seer and the Seen”
Nerys Williams: "Exchanges between observation and mobility in Catherine Walsh’s lyric"
Sampreeti Malladi: “Gaze is Culture Specific and so it constructs”
Session Three "Spectatorship and Society" (Chair: Aray Saniyazova):
Jeremy Tauzer: “Versions of Understanding and Interpretation”
Iskhak Fatonie: “The role of Think Tanks as Policy Actors”
Akila Venguidesvarane: “A population Based Study on Screen Time”
Closing Remarks: Viktoria Huegel and Robert Reimer, HSSA
Period6 Dec 2019
Event typeWorkshop
LocationBerkeley, United StatesShow on map