Vetronics in modern day military vehicles have evolved to include network enabled capability (NEC) allowing the use of electronics architectures to integrate different sub-systems. Integrated vehicle electronics (vetronics) offer improved performance, efficiency and new capabilities at the sub-system, system and system-of-systems level. However, this integration is associated with magnified risk and compromise from cyber-attacks. Potential cyber-attacks could be from an external source where a node is accessed by a malicious intruder using NEC, or internal to the vehicle such as a passive attack waiting to be triggered by an event. The aim of this work is to provide an understanding of applying survivable systems principles of preventive and reactive mechanisms, and proposes a vetronics survivability framework for the vehicle’s integrated vetronics in order to mitigate internal and external threats.
Date of Award | Dec 2013 |
Original language | English |
Awarding Institution | |
Vetronics systems integration: survivability strategies for future modular vetronics architectures
Deshpande, A. (Author). Dec 2013
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis