The Utility of Security Framing for Advancing Climate Policy
: An Examination of the US

    Student thesis: Master's Thesis


    The purpose of this study is to assess security as a framework for discussing climate change, by looking at the highly securitised climate debate in the US during the Obama Administration. During this period several carbon emissions reduction policies were passed despite domestic opposition from Congress. This study examines the positive and negative effects of the security framework on
    the climate debate, and demonstrates how securitisation works in practice using Obama’s security justification for his climate policies as a case study. This study concludes that despite the problems with the security framework, it can be utilised to advance climate policy, and securitisation is therefore a worthwhile endeavour.
    Date of Award6 Mar 2018
    Original languageEnglish
    SponsorsSOAS University of London
    SupervisorJulie Doyle (Supervisor) & Raphael Schlembach (Supervisor)


    • climate policy
    • security
    • securitisation
    • climate politics

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