The learning dynamics of external–internal knowledge and exploitation–exploration: the case of SMEs’ learning-capacity building

  • Julian Pineres Ramirez

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


The research in this thesis provides an understanding of the growth of the firm from the coevolution of its learning and technological trajectory by focusing on the micro components of learning and the process of capacity building. It aims to explain the degree of complementarity, interdependency and co-evolution within the process of knowledge integration and learning over the firm’s technological trajectory. In doing so, it searches for the process of capacity building, emphasizing the interaction between knowledge reconfiguration – i.e. whether the source of knowledge is passive, active or interactive – and its orientation – i.e. whether it is explorative or exploitative. In brief, the thesis analyses the link between knowledge integration, technological learning, capacity building and technological transformation.
Date of Award2014
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Brighton

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