This practice-based thesis is a study of the uneven geographical development of
Chilean copper mining industry and the circulation of copper in Britain.
My research examines three key historical moments in a pattern of ‘denationalisation,’
a term identified by Sassen (2003), of the copper resources of
Chile: (1) 1840–1880; (2) 1904–1969; and (3) 1981–today, in which resources
have been transferred from public to private management. In my research, I use
a combination of photographic and historical methodologies to explore the
impact of those processes on the extractive ecologies of Chile and to connect
them to the global geographies of London, Liverpool and Swansea. My thesis
considers how photography can be used to propose a re-mapping of the
relationship between the global and the local, the national and the transnational,
making visible the hidden geopolitical forces that shape the mobile and unequal
geographies of copper.
My doctoral investigation explores the global circulation of copper and
its agency to produce geographical and political change. With the aim of
revealing their close connections and networks, it examines the notion of
‘unequal geography’ established by Baran (1957) and the newer ‘mobility
paradigm’ proposed by Sheller and Urry (2006). I follow the flow of copper, in
Held’s words, ‘across space and time’ (1999), creating a constellation of
photographs and texts about the transformation and mutation of copper as it
traverses the world, exploring traces of extraction, smelting, manufacture,
transport and trade processes across geographies. In doing so, I open ways of
thinking about how landscape carries traces of those processes, bringing to the
fore the significance of photographic intervention in highlighting them.
The photographic research conducted during this investigation is
organised in three lines of inquiry: Global mobility of copper; Post-industrial
landscapes; and Contemporary mining industry and its relation to London. The
first, Global mobility of copper comprises four visual essays presented together
this written thesis: Sulphiric Acid Route (2012), Metallic Threads (2010-2015),
High Rise (2012) and Hidden Circuits (2015). These works explore the
mutation and transformation of hard-rock mining, back and forth from Chile to
Britain from raw material to capital; through ore, smelted commodity, stock
market exchanged value, assembled material and waste. The second, Post
industrial landscapes, is explored through two case studies. The first of these is
Coquimbo & Swansea (2014), which studies forgotten historical mining
connections between Coquimbo, Chile and the Lower Swansea Valley, Wales
between 1840 and 1880. This is followed by Miss Chuquicamata, the Slag
(2012), which examines the Chuquicamata corporate town, Antofagasta Region,
Chile and its contested history. The third line of inquiry, Contemporary mining
industry and its relation to London involves two case studies. It opens with
Antofagasta plc, Stop Abuses! (2010–14), which connects contemporary
struggles of the inhabitants of Pupio Valley with the City of London, the
world’s centre for mining investment. This line of investigation concludes with
the site-specific studies LME Invisible Corporate Network (2011–15), which
examines the London Metal Exchange within the City of London, using
mapping methodologies. These case studies can also be used to map the three
periods of denationalisation of copper resources in Chile.
My photographic work is based on extensive photographic fieldwork in
each geographical location, conducted over the last four years, as well as my
two years as an activist photographer. Through my written thesis I seek to make
visible the historical conditions that are central to the formation of the
geographies of copper. Both aspects of my work are informed by the notion of
‘critical realism’ coined by Georg Lukács (1963) and developed later by Allan
Sekula (1984). Alongside these case studies, my written thesis contains
photographic examples of my practice so as to give insight into my research
This thesis has been produced as part of Traces of Nitrate: Mining
history and photography between Britain and Chile, a research proyect
developed in collabotation with Art and Design historian Louise Purbrick and
photographer Xavier Ribas, based at the University of Brighton and funded by
with the generous support of the Arts and Humanities Research Council
Date of Award | Dec 2016 |
Original language | English |
Awarding Institution | |
The copper geographies of Chile and Britain: A photographic study of mining
Acosta, I. (Author). Dec 2016
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis