Glucose metabolism during and following acute hypoxia and exercise in individuals with Type 2 diabetes.

  • Richard W.A. Mackenzie

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


The current work is novel in that it investigated in vivo analysis of glucose metabolism during and following hypoxic exposure in type 2 diabetics. Using moderate levels of hypoxia, study one found that 60 min of resting hypoxic (Hy Rest) exposure reduced blood glucose concentrations in type 2 diabetics. Insulin sensitivity was also found to be significantly greater following hypoxic exposure when compared to the normoxic control. The second study showed that exercise under hypoxic (Hy Ex) conditions acutely reduced arterialised blood glucose concentrations. The total area under the curve for insulin was also significantly lower subsequent to an intravenously administered glucose load (IVGTT) in the 4 hr following Hy Ex versus normoxic exercise. The third study demonstrated that glucose disposal was acutely enhanced in exercise bouts lasting 60 and 40 min (of equal work) in hypoxia.
Date of AwardJun 2009
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Brighton
SupervisorPeter Watt (Supervisor), Gary Brickley (Supervisor) & Neil Maxwell (Supervisor)

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