Determination of the potential energy contribution and green house gas mitigation of small and medium anaerobic digester systems in Bangladesh

  • Khondokar Mizanur Rahman

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


This research is to determine the anaerobic digestion (AD) potential and green house gas mitigation of small and medium anaerobic digester systems in Bangladesh which could provide energy for the country‘s need. This was determined for two common feedstocks: cattle dung and poultry litter. A third potential feedstock is also investigated as a novel and significant new source: waste rice straw used in cattle markets. These three feedstocks were chosen because between them, they cover a large fraction of scenarios in the country where AD could be used.
Date of Award2011
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Brighton
SupervisorMarie Harder (Supervisor) & Ryan Woodard (Supervisor)

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