Distal Biceps Tendon Repair
: Optimising Outcomes

  • Joideep Phadnis

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


Distal Biceps tendon (DBT) Rupture is an injury that almost exclusively affects men and results in reduced supination power of the forearm and to a lesser degree, flexion power at the elbow. Retraction of the biceps muscle belly when it is torn results in an aesthetic deformity that is undesirable for many individuals. Surgery is offered to most patients with a DBT rupture but it is important to understand that non-surgical management can also lead to good function and in certain individuals, very little morbidity.

A great deal of attention has been given to DBT rupture in the literature because of its prevalence in the general population and sporting individuals and because it is a condition treated by surgeons across the world.

The aim of this thesis is to summarise and appraise my contribution to the existing literature regarding DBTR. The thesis will focus primarily on five peer reviewed publications which I will critically summarise, but will also touch on a further eleven articles comprising peer reviewed publications, book chapters and multi-media work that demonstrate my contribution to the subject.

In the introduction I will cover the basic science that underpins my research articles and describe the current evidence and gaps that have helped to develop the research questions. I will outline the hypotheses and aims applicable to the individual research articles included which lie within the domains of: injury mechanism; biomechanics of acute repair; chronic tears; partial tears, and surgical complications. The key findings and clinical relevance will be outlined for each paper after critical summary of the work.

The articles included in this thesis comprise my current contribution regarding DBT rupture but also demonstrate a basis for ongoing work regarding the DBT and other elbow pathologies.
Date of AwardJun 2023
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Brighton
SupervisorAndrew Dilley (Supervisor)

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