Critical Success Factors for Integration of Value, Financial Risk, and Environmental Management Systems in Medium Sized Design and Build Projects

  • Mohammed Alaqad

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


The implementation of value management system (VMS), financial risk management system (FRMS) and environmental management system (EMS) is considered to be the best practice in project management, which enables construction companies to define clear objectives when delivering building projects while maximising value, avoiding financial risk, and reducing the negative impact on the natural environment. The current practices of VMS and FRMS need to be improved while considering the implementation of EMS, which is typically ignored in many medium-sized building projects. If these management systems are not well integrated, the project will face cost, quality and time overrun, thereby affecting its viability. In addition, the building industry is increasingly facing the challenge of reducing harmful impacts on the natural environment from construction activities under severe budget constraints to meet the government strategy 2025. Thus, this research focuses on Design and Build (D&B) procurement method as it is being used commonly in medium-sized building projects which formulated the major sector contributing to the GDP in the UK economy.

Over the years, researchers and practitioners argued for the integration of VMS and RMS in a single management system to improve projects’ performance. While other studies urged for the integration of VMS and EMS in a single management system to deliver the same benefits. Fundamental similarities between these methodologies suggest that they are consistent with one another. Therefore, this doctoral study aims to develop a model of integrated value, financial risk, and environmental management system (IVREMS model) that could be applied in medium-sized building projects, predominantly delivered through a D&B procurement which is then empirically constructed and examined. The thesis determined 6 critical success factors (CSFs) to improve IVREMS which are value, financial risk, environment, human aspects, continuous improvement, and integration. After determining the CSFs, the thesis focused on how the integrated management system can be used to improve performance. For this purpose, a conceptual model was developed, which consists of eight main-factors and 64 sub-factors for improving performance in D&B medium size building project. Using a mixed method approach, qualitative and quantitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews and a questionnaire survey amongst industry practitioners in the UK.

The overall perception was reinforced through expert interviews and the professional surveys developed as a result suggested that there is a significant relationship between the implementation of the new proposed integrated management system and the performance of D&B medium-sized building projects. The findings of this thesis will enable professionals involved in managing D&B building projects to be aware of the effect of the various components of the IVREMS model on the performance of their project to obtain better project outcomes and performance. The research, therefore, developed a systemic process map to enable the integration between VMS, FRMS, and EMS to occur, which requires the support and commitment of all project stakeholders.
Date of AwardNov 2021
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Brighton
SupervisorKassim Gidado (Supervisor), Poorang Piroozfar (Supervisor) & Mahmood Alam (Supervisor)

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