Backpacker mobilities: the practice and performance of travellerscapes in a global world

  • Michael O'Regan

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


Mobility, a constant in the world of modernity, associated with fluidity, liquidity and flow has acquired new dimensions in late modern society due to the increasing and cumulative impact of innovations in communication and transport technologies. These developments have seen individualʼs voluntarily crossing borders and boundaries in ever-greater numbers in pursuit of opportunities and self-fulfilment. Travel and tourism, as global geographic movement and as a manifestation of mobility has come to be seen as a significant dimension within these global mobile movements. A developing research approach, centered on a new mobilities paradigm has emerged to illuminate some of the intersecting mobilities of capital, knowledge, ideas, danger, information and bodies that constitute and have enabled these global movements.
Date of Award2010
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Brighton

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