The Relational Approach to group work: the role of the pre-­‐school practitioner in the development of children's social competencies

  • Jennifer E. Colwell

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


The Relational Approach to group work was developed during the UK-­‐based Social Pedagogic Research into Group-­‐work project (SPRinG). The Approach is built upon the premise that children will need support to ensure they can engage in, and benefit socially and cognitively from interactions with their peers. The SPRinG research found that, in schools where the Relational Approach was developed, there were positive gains for teachers and pupils, including: increased pupil-peer cooperation; widening of pupils' social networks; and improved pupil attainment in reading and Mathematics.
Date of Award2012
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Brighton

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