A study of stakeholders’ experience of the architectural design process to stimulate an interactive form of communication

  • Krisanee Meechao

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


The architectural design process involves the input of many stakeholders.
Communication between them is crucial as it ensures an effective design
process. The practice of architecture has been transformed by advances in
hardware and software technologies, to the point where both the workflow and
the design process are changing. These technologies have also impacted on the
methods of representing and communicating design work. At present, traditional
communication uses 2D and 3D drawings, as well as digital media such as
animation, computer gaming or graphic design, which have impacted on
architectural representations. While these tools are very useful, problems in
communication between stakeholders are revealed. For instance, differences in
architectural background knowledge and requirements lead to misunderstanding
the design, confusion caused by working on inconsistent information, and use of
incompatible software which causes difficulties in accessing work.
This research project attempts to identify and analyse issues relating to
communication within the design process in order to improve it. The study is
undertaken using a number of key questions to guide the development and
progress of the research. The extent of communication via digital media in the
design process, in contemporary architectural practice, is examined, along with
the perceived value of digital technology by stakeholders. Architectural design
work would benefit from exploiting digital media and the Internet to provide an
effective form of communication for enabling a user/stakeholder-oriented
involvement in the design process.
The work presented revisits the conventional methods of communication in
design work, between various interested parties in any given project
(stakeholders: architects, engineers, planners and clients), with a view to
formulating an outline for a potential system that facilitates communication as
part of a participatory design process. This study puts forward suggestions to
improve communication in the design process, through a storyboard represents
users’ experiences in using an interactive communication system. The
suggestions are being tested through a mock-up of the web application, which is
then presented to participants to receive feedback. Three guiding principles
inform the development of the final system: interaction (to allow fast input and
feedback); accessibility (to ensure any particular design software is able to
interact with the system); and inclusivity (to allow both specialists and lay people
to use the system).
Date of AwardJun 2018
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Brighton
SupervisorH. Bougdah (Supervisor)

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