A gender analysis of the career progression of IT managers

  • Gillian Shapiro

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


This thesis presents a gender analysis of the IT managerial career progression process. The research includes case studies conducted within the IT division of four companies and survey results of IT managers carried out in the U K. The case studies include the collection of documentary evidence, observation and a total of fifty interviews conducted with IT managers and Personnel representatives. The case companies comprise the financial services, utility, retail and IT manufacturing sectors. This study builds on and extends existing knowledge within three areas of literature - women in management, gender and IT and career progression. Despite arguments within and between these fields of literature this study demonstrates how, due to gaps and weaknesses within each of the areas, it is necessary for them to be brought together under a single theoretical framework. Additionally, on an organisational level, by seeking out and analysing both formal and informal factors that influence the career progression of IT managers, aspects of this process that may inhibit women's IT managerial career progression are identified. This study concludes that there are aspects of both the IT management role and the associated career progression process that may be identified as gendered. Such aspects influence the career choices made by IT managers, leading to some identifiable differences i n the approaches men and women adopt in progressing their careers. In addition, it is suggested that the gendered aspects have greater negative influence on the career progression opportunities and potential of women than men IT managers.
Date of AwardMar 1997
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Brighton

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