The potential of bacteriophage therapy in Acinetobacter spp. infections.

  • Alexandra Elisabeth Henein

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


Bacteria resistant to multiple antibiotics pose a number of therapeutic problems. This situation is likely to worsen in the future, as the development of new classes of antibiotics has declined sharply in recent years. Acinetobacter species are an example of antibiotic-resistant bacterial pathogens with increasing clinical significance, particularly with respect to infections in high-risk patients such as those with severe burns. The treatment options for these patients are severely limited, and they often can only be treated with highly toxic antibiotics such as colistin. It is therefore evident that there is a need to investigate alternative approaches to therapy in these cases. This thesis represents some preliminary investigations into the use of bacteriophages for the treatment of Acinetobacter infections of severe burns patients.
Date of AwardMar 2009
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Brighton

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