Early De-Risking of Land Vehicles Open System Architecture Implementations

  • Daniel Ota

    Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


    Military land vehicles have life cycles spanning over decades. However, equipment demand is regularly changing and seamless integration of new components is required. For facilitating sub-systems exchangeability and to standardise vehicle sub-system interfaces, Open System Architectures are under development. In the land systems domain, several European nations are defining the NATO STANAG 4754 NATO Generic Vehicle Architecture (NGVA). The assessment of future implementations requires new certification approaches and up-to-date verification frameworks are needed for early de-risking.

    Therefore, first a generic concept for the Verification and Validation of military land vehicles is presented. It focuses on outlining a detailed verification plan, which can be tailored to nation and system specifics. For assessing the conformity of NGVA systems, sequentially-related compatibility levels have been developed, which facilitate the evaluation of the specific system requirements and form the basis for a verification process.

    Second, a framework for the verification of vehicle sub-systems is discussed. It aims at providing verification mechanisms and reference implementations as early as possible to de-risk the sub-system design and certification process. The framework encourages to test the standard itself during the specification phase and to re-use resulting artefacts for systems verification in the beginning of the development cycle.

    Third, an evaluation of the verification framework by means of a case study focusing on data model maturity aspects is presented. The case study was further extended for conformance and interoperability testing of NGVA-compliant system interfaces and the re-usability of test artefacts from data model testing was shown.

    The results can be summarised as an approach for verifying sub-system implementations of modern military vehicles adhering to open standards. The verification measures focus on early phases of the standard specification and realisation and aim to minimise design and implementation risks from the beginning of a standards life cycle.
    Date of AwardMar 2019
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • University of Brighton
    SupervisorPeriklis Charchalakis (Supervisor)

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