Work in Progress: Design and Development of an Immersive Virtual Reality Educational Game for Wind Power Education

Robert Schaffer, Fadi Castronovo, Osiriz Durana

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


In this paper, the research team will discuss the lessons learned from the design and creation of an Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) serious game intended to enhance the teaching of a Wind Turbine lab in an Introduction to Engineering class at a community college. The serious game was designed and written by four students at the community college as part of a summer research project under the leadership of two professors from two institutions: a community college, and a university. The students learned storyboarding, SketchUp, and Unity and applied these tools to create the serious game from scratch. In the serious game, future students will be able to engage in an immersive virtual reality environment, reinforce power equations discussed in class, and adjust the parameters of the wind turbines themselves to see the resulting power through a numeric display and the amount of light generated. The goal of this paper is to share the design choices and development of the IVR serious game for use in an Introduction to Engineering virtual classroom to enhance the teaching of wind energy conversion. Learned lessons will be shared to support other instructors that are planning on pursuing similar research and/or implementing innovative technology in their courses.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 23 Aug 2022
Event129th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition: Excellence Through Diversity - Minneapolis, United States
Duration: 26 Jun 202229 Jun 2022


Conference129th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition
Abbreviated titleASEE 2022
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This research was funded by the HSI-STEM grant at Mission College. The authors thank Luis Morfin and Melissa Rivera for their work on this project during the summer of 2020 and Nguyen (Dang) Ho for his work on this project during the summer of 2021.

Publisher Copyright:
© American Society for Engineering Education, 2022.


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