UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships: Evaluation Scoping & Feasibility Study

Emma Pollard, Becci Newton, Helen Gray, Clare Huxley, James Cockett, Dafni Papoutsaki, Marc Cowling

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


The overarching aim of this scoping and feasibility study was to identify the appropriate methods to support answering the evaluation questions developed for the Future Leaders Fellowships (FLF) programme by proposing a suitable, workable approach to monitoring and evaluating the FLF programme.

Drawing on learning from other fellowship evaluations, as well as from wider evaluation work, the report considers potential approaches to:

process evaluation
theory-based and counterfactual impact evaluation
economic evaluation.

It also proposes specific outcome metrics that might be considered as part of an evaluation of FLF.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherInstitute for Employment Studies
Number of pages221
Publication statusPublished - May 2022

Publication series

NameIES Report


  • Evaluating leadership development
  • Developing leaders


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