Two sisters: contrary lives

Charmian Brinson, Julia Winckler

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceeding with ISSN or ISBNChapter


The book’s aim is to continue the project of recognizing the multiple and contradictory roles women played and the work women did during the Second World War. The essays expand our understanding of the impact women had on both the reality and perception of that war. The subjects' own perspectives offer a key insight into that changing world. Our co-authored book chapter seeks to represent the very different wartime experiences of my maternal grandmother and maternal great-aunt both in wartime and beyond. We explore these from a dual perspective: Charmian Brinson is a cultural historian with a specialism in female exile and internment. My analysis is grounded in an artistic enquiry coupled with a long interest in life narratives, historiography and memory.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationWorking Memory: Women and Work in World War II
EditorsMarlene Kadar, Jeanne Perrault
Place of PublicationCanada
PublisherWilfrid Laurier University Press
ISBN (Print)9781771120357
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2015


  • WWII
  • women's lives
  • memory studies
  • photography
  • exhibition


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