Thermal evaluation of Vacuum Insulation Panels with recycled cellulose based core material

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Vacuum Insulation Panels (VIPs) have emerged as an advance thermal insulation material for enhancing thermal insulation for various applications. The conventional core material used in VIPs, such as fumed silica, offers excellent insulation properties but has some limitations in terms of cost and environmental impact. This research investigates the thermal properties of recycled cellulose insulation material for use in the core of Vacuum Insulation Panels as an alternative material. This cellulose based material offers a potentially environment friendly alternative core material by partially replacing fumed silica which requires high energy consumption during its manufacturing and considered as the main factor for VIP environmental impact. Average thermal conductivity of recycled cellulose insulation material at atmospheric pressure was measured to be 0.039 W/mK. VIP prototype made with the sample containing 45% cellulose, 45% fumed silica and 10% SiC opacifier at 5 mbar pressure resulted in thermal conductivity of 0.0154 W/mK which is 40% lower than that of 100% cellulose sample measured at 5 mbar. It is expected that further reducing the pressure to 0.5 mbar for VIP prototype manufacturing can potentially reduce the thermal conductivity of VIP prototype samples made with recycled cellulose-fumed silica composite core.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 6 Nov 2023
EventInternational Vacuum Insulation Symposium - College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, India
Duration: 6 Nov 20237 Nov 2023
Conference number: 16th


ConferenceInternational Vacuum Insulation Symposium
Internet address


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