The use of bioshields for coastal protection in Vietnam: Current status and potential

Bijeesh Veetil, Raymond Ward, Dung Nguyen, Dong Van, Ngo Quang, Pham Haoi, Nhat-Duc Hoang

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The coastline of Vietnam is vulnerable to a number of threats including shoreline erosion, flooding, sea level rise, typhoons and storms. Natural and anthropogenic factors have been highlighted as key drivers and the physical setting of the coastline, including elevation in relation to mean sea level influence the degree of vulnerability. In this review paper, we investigated the possibilities, advantages and limitations to using bioshields for coastal protection in Vietnam. Special attention has been given to mangrove forests, seagrass meadows, nearshore-coral reefs and marshes. Hard structures such as seawalls and breakwaters can be used for immediate relief from coastal vulnerabilities whereas ecosystem-based adaptation using bioshield is highly effective for long-term coastal protection. However, the applicability of bioshields depends on a number of factors, such as coastal geomorphology, degree of vulnerability and biodiversity. Northeastern and southern coast of Vietnam are highly suitable for mangrove vegetation and can be used as a bioshield in these areas. Central and northern Vietnamese coasts are rich in seagrasses and coral reefs and in these areas and these can be a suitable coastal bioshield.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number101945
    JournalRegional Studies in Marine Science
    Publication statusPublished - 26 Jul 2021


    • Bioshield
    • Coastal livelihood
    • Coastal vegetation
    • Sea level changes
    • Shoreline protection
    • Vietnamese coastline


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