The Slipperiness of Time: Collapse and enfolding in the architecture drawing

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceeding with ISSN or ISBNChapterpeer-review


Time is heterogeneous, riddled and folded. Fast and heavy, elusive, forgotten, exposed... Mostly experienced as inseparable from our consciousness, one is also aware that time’s measure does not fit: there is a place where the plies separate and slip, an elasticity between. Our temporal awareness is not whole but pulsatory and marbled. The creative act itself reflects and intensifies this condition; an intricate duration that does not arrive all-at-once, nor in a temporally linear way. When drawing, one ventures and reflects in no particular sequence. This is notably relevant to the architectural drawing, where the temporal condition of the drawing itself holds an embedded future-time – we conjure, collude with and enact this imaginary realm, and often do so in a surprisingly matter-of-fact way.
Investigating the potential of the slippery nature of time in the creative process, and drawing on current literature, this chapter seeks to further challenge and expand the conventional role of drawing in design. Articulating a careful methodological approach to drawing and thinking relevant to the ethics of drawing, it speculates on how the simultaneous manifestation of multiple times may occur in the drawing process as a method of invention, generating a larger critical discourse on creative methods in design research practice. It does so through the discussion of an ongoing body of drawings and research that stem out of my doctoral investigations into temporal drawing. With an interest in the time-based relationships of both the architecturally propositional drawing (as a projection of a future place, with its own inhabitations and unfoldings) and the drawing process itself (as an instigator of imagined futures), I ask what the possible connections between these temporalities might unearth, and what consequences they may have on space and place in the territory of the drawing. In sharing a specific body of test drawings (Mirror Drawings, Interloper Drawings, Garden Drawings) and methodological approaches, I seek to expand a discourse and territory for dreaming temporality anew.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication– in drawing
Subtitle of host publicationInquiry, Time, Dialogue and Materiality
EditorsThomas-Bernard Kenniff, Carole Lévesque
Place of PublicationMontreal
Number of pages8
ISBN (Electronic)978-2-9820298-2-8
Publication statusPublished - 18 Jun 2024
Event-in drawing / -en dessin - Centre de design, Montreal, Canada
Duration: 15 Sept 202216 Sept 2022


Conference-in drawing / -en dessin
Internet address


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