The Rational Actor - How Rational Are We and How Random is the World

Jim Simpson

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceeding with ISSN or ISBNChapterpeer-review


    Most of what we do and the decisions and judgement we make are fed and watered by our unconscious, automated thinking. The experts that run our economy, politics and business would have us believe that the world is a rational place. This short essay shows how we are both rational and irrational as human beings and it introduces the idea or cognitive bias or ‘preferring the irrational’.
    Included is ‘The Next Big Thing’ business case study that shows just how irrational we can be irrespective of how clever we are. This essay is sample chapter (available digitally) from the book “Back for the Future – Sociological Theory and Today’s Big issues”
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationBack for the Future - Sociological Theory and Today's Big Issues
    PublisherSocialWords Publishing
    Pages72 - 87
    Number of pages25
    ISBN (Print)9781326450427
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


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