The Durrington Walls Sarsen Burial relocated and reconsidered

Richard Higham, Christopher Carey

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    In 1809 Richard Colt Hoare was alerted to the discovery of a burial at Durrington Walls. The burial contained an
    important set of grave goods, which were subsequently included in his famous publication Ancient Wiltshire and are
    now on display within Devizes Museum. Although Colt Hoare recovered artefacts from the burial, the location of the
    grave was only vaguely described in Ancient Wiltshire, with the burial recorded as being capped by a sarsen stone. This
    Sarsen Burial is reconsidered in this contribution, with its probable location defined through identification of sarsen stones
    on early OS maps. The artefact grouping indicates a burial date between 2250–1950BC, a time when Beaker burials
    dominate the archaeological record. We consider the importance of the burial, under a sarsen stone, with an important
    grave assemblage which lacks a Beaker vessel, in context of the Beaker period and the Durrington Walls henge.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)74-84
    Number of pages11
    JournalThe Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Magazine
    Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2 Feb 2019


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