Taking Off: Dreaming of Flying

    Research output: Non-textual outputPerformance


    Directed by Alice Fox a group of Taiwanese elders and younger museum workers came together to consider the topic of flying and dreaming. We spent 3 mornings exploring our experiences through discussion and movement in collaboration with Hang Li (Sandwiches Studio) through his Unlimited Airport installation at the New Taipei City Arts Centre.

    Through a series of dances within the soundscape of tropical rain and our co-authored poem, together we explored;
    Can group movement work inspired by a playful art installation rapidly create understanding and closeness within a newly-acquainted group?
    Can performative acts in the gallery increase our pleasure and understanding of the artworks by offering us time together to physically interact with the works?
    What can moving together offer the practice of ‘expanded listening’ both between performers and beyond to the audience?

    The public performance was part of The New Taipei Inclusive Arts Festival in the Unlimited Airport Exhibition at The New Taipei City Arts Centre, Taiwan on 30th August 2018

    The workshops and performance were supported by Sandwiches Studios, The British Council, University of Brighton, Hongdao Senior Citizen Welfare Centre and The New Taipei City Arts Centre
    Original languageEnglish
    Media of outputFilm
    Publication statusPublished - 30 Aug 2018
    EventInclusive Arts Festival - New Taipei City Arts Centre , Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China
    Duration: 26 Aug 201826 Oct 2018


    • performance
    • elders
    • participatory arts
    • inclusive arts
    • community arts


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