Syn-sedimentary exhalative or diagenetic replacement? Multi-proxy evidence for origin of metamorphosed stratiform barite–sulfide deposits near Aberfeldy, Scottish Highlands

Norman R. Moles, Adrian J. Boyce, Matthew R. Warke, Mark W. Claire

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Bedded barite, Fe-Zn-Pb sulfides, carbonates and cherts within Ediacaran (Dalradian Supergroup) graphitic metasediments near Aberfeldy in Scotland have previously been interpreted as chemical sediments precipitated from hydrothermal fluids episodically exhaled into marine basins filling with organic-rich mud, silt and sand. Lithological variation and compositional diversity in pyrite and sphalerite reflect varied redox environments and proximity to hydrothermal discharges. Thick beds (>2m) of barite have relatively uniform δ34S of +36 ±1.5‰ considered to represent contemporaneous seawater sulfate, as negative Δ17O indicates incorporation of atmospheric oxygen during precipitation in the water column. However, certain features suggest diagenetic processes involving microbial sulfate reduction modified the mineralogy and isotopic composi-tion of the mineralization. Barite bed margins show decimeter-scale variation in δ34S (+32 to +41‰) and δ18O (+8 to +21‰), attributed to fluid-mediated transfer of dissolved barium and sulfate between originally porous barite and adjacent sediments, in which millimetric sulfate crystals grew across sedimentary lamination. Encapsulated micron-size barium carbonates indicate early diagenetic barite dissolution with incorporation of sulfur into pyrite, elevating pyrite δ34S. Sub-sequently, sulfidation reactions produced volumetrically minor secondary barite with δ34S of +16 to +22‰. Overall, these processes affected small volumes of the mineralization, which originally formed on the seafloor as a classic SEDEX deposit.
Original languageEnglish
Article number865
Pages (from-to)865
Number of pages45
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 25 Aug 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 by the authors.


  • stratabound barite
  • Neoproterozoic
  • sulfur isotopes
  • triple-oxygen isotopes
  • sulfate reduction
  • barium carbonates
  • SEDEX deposit
  • diagenetic replacement


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